We kept our season perfect with a resounding 32-0 win on Saturday. Execution was strong but far from perfect, but we were up by 32 by half time and had to keep the dogs in check so as to not run up the score. Our opponent demonstrated an extremely high level of sportsmanship (both players and coaches), and our kids remarked that they had fun chatting across the line of scrimmage with the other players. Everyone was loose and having fun.

Our offensive execution is getting tighter. We stick to a core set of plays that we want to execute well and don't do anything too tricky. We also have some great athletes who can compensate for mistakes by others, and that never hurts.

I commend Jim on his offensive strategy and spreading the ball around. We've had seven different players score touchdowns from offensive plays, and I believe we'll add at least 3-4 more players to that list before the year is done.

Some stats from the game:

  • Our offense gained 312 yards in the first half before we had to dial it down. Nine different players carried the ball, three different players caught passes.

  • Our defense allowed only 140 yards and 6 first downs. In the second half we had kids playing all over the place (D-line playing linebacker, linebackers playing CB, etc.).

  • Twelve different players contributed with tackles.

The rest of our schedule gets tougher, including a challenging matchup against a strong (and well coached) Aloha team this weekend.
